Magento Extension Reviews

Magento Extension Roundup - October 2018

by Oliver De Guzman in Magento Extension Reviews

Welcome to the Magento extension round-up, where we quickly review some of the more notable extensions which were released in the past month. In this month's round-up, we look at extensions for redirecting product review pages, adding multiple flat shipping rates, customer group membership and payment method restriction. Magento 2 Multiple Flat Rates by Mageplaza License: Custom Version Reviewed: 1.0.0 Although Magento 2 supports flat rate shipping, you are limited to a single rate.

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Magento Extension Roundup - September 2018

by Toby Faux in Magento Extension Reviews

In this month's Magento extension round-up, we look at some recent Magento 2 extensions that optimise your store's URL rewrites, notify external channels of store events, enable an enhanced FAQ page and allow customers to add comments to their orders. Magento 2 URL Rewrite Optimiser by Fisheye License: MIT Version Reviewed: 1.0.2 An important part of SEO is making sure URLs are both descriptive and readable. Magento achieves this by maintaining a list of readable URLs consisting of "

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Magento Extension Roundup - August 2018

by Peter Spiller in Magento Extension Reviews

In this month's Magento extension round-up, we quickly review some recent extensions: sitemap and API improvements, product visibility checks and a tool to clean up unused product images. Magento 1 Product Visibility Grid by itonomy License: MIT Version Reviewed: 1.0.0 If a Magento product isn't appearing on the frontend, it can be difficult to work out why. There are a number of factors that determine whether a product is visible, including stock status, the visibility attribute, and so on.

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Magento Extension Roundup - July 2018

by Ron Carr in Magento Extension Reviews

In this month's Magento extension round-up we look at some recent Magento 2 extensions. These extension add improvements to media storage, catalog, translations and product media gallery areas. Magento 2 Magento2 Flysystem by Flagbit License: MIT Version Reviewed: 0.1.6 A powerful addition to your Magento 2 installation that allows you to use an alternative media storage location. If you already have a large amount of media on a cloud service such as Amazon S3 and end up having to manually re-upload on your installation, this extension will simply this process for you.

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Magento Extension Roundup - June 2018

by Yang Fei in Magento Extension Reviews

It is time for another Magento extension roundup, reviewing some free extensions that were released in June. This month we have a fake data generator for testing, a new style of banner slider, and product review reminders. Magento 2 Masquerade elgentos License: MIT Version Reviewed: ba7a88ceec89 The Masquerade extension gives you the ability to create fake data by configuring rules. It is built upon the popular Faker library that can generate sensible looking fake data based on locales, for example addresses, names and phone numbers.

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Magento Extension Roundup - May 2018

by Julian Zhu in Magento Extension Reviews

Welcome to the May 2018 Magento extension round-up, where we quickly review some of the more notable free and open source extensions which were released last month. We'll review extensions that help you conform to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), login as customer, put your Magento store into maintenance mode without hassle, and preview main transactional emails directly on backend. Magento 2 Enhanced Privacy by Flurrybox License: GPLv3

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Magento Extension Roundup - March 2018

by Matthew Gamble in Magento Extension Reviews

It's time for another Magento extension round-up, reviewing some free extensions that were released in March. In this post, we'll review extensions to help you optimise your images, provide birthday coupons to your customers, improve the cron system, ensure your customers aren't using insecure passwords, an easy product import/export tool, and something to spice up your product detail pages. Magento 2 Image Optimizer by JustBetter This extension will ensure that all your images are optimised so that they take up as little disk space as possible.

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Magento Extension Roundup - January 2018

by Rishi Hyanki in Magento Extension Reviews

2018 has arrived and Magento extension developers have hit the ground running, with plenty of new extensions being released in the first month of the new year. Here we look at some Magento 2 extensions which make it easier for customers to place bulk orders and view their guest orders, as well as some Magento 1 extensions which help with browser cache-busting and managing product attributes. Magento 2 Quickorder by Popesites Bulk orders can be a hassle for customers to place on Magento stores.

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Magento Extension Roundup - December 2017

by Toby Faux in Magento Extension Reviews

In our last Magento extension round-up for 2017, we look at a way to control which customer groups can use specific payment methods, as well as a Magento 2 extension that lets you create your very own chatbot! We also look at a couple of Magento 1 extensions that help with store monitoring and order notifications. Magento 2 Customer Group Payment Filters by Galactic Labs Customer groups are a handy way to offer discounts on some products to different types of customers in your store.

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Magento Extension Roundup - November 2017

by Peter Spiller in Magento Extension Reviews

In this month's Magento extension round-up we look at some recent Magento 1 and Magento 2 extensions. Some assist with development and maintenance, like previewing the checkout page or cleaning up old attributes, while another adds a new product type for charitable donations. Magento 2 Preview Checkout Success Page by MagePal Magento's checkout success page can be hard to test. It's only shown when you complete the checkout process, and only once per checkout.

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