Magento Extension Reviews

Magento Extension Roundup - October 2016

by Tracy Chan in Magento Extension Reviews

It's time for another Magento extension round-up, reviewing some free extensions that were released in October. This time we're looking at extensions for targeted product recommendations, SEO pagination, and Magento core bug fixes. Seasonal Product Recommendations by Net Solutions The Seasonal Product Recommendations extension adds an extra 'seasons' attribute to products, which enables products to optionally be assigned to one or many seasons based on their suitability. Seasons to choose from are: Winter, Summer, Autumn, Spring, Wet (Winter), and Dry (Summer).

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Magento Extension Roundup - September 2016

by Chris Norton in Magento Extension Reviews

Welcome once again to the Magento extension monthly round-up, where we review some of the free extensions that were released in September. This time we're looking at extensions for switching the owner of an order, free shipping option assignment to customers, cleaning up backups, and more. Switch Order Owner by InfoBeans The Switch Order Owner extension provides the ability to change ownership of an order in the admin panel. This could be useful in certain situations, such as when orders are created by company agents, and require an ownership change to the actual customer that will be receiving the goods.

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Magento Extension Roundup - August 2016

by Matthew Gamble in Magento Extension Reviews

It's time for another Magento extension round-up, reviewing some free extensions that were released in August. This time we're looking at extensions for general product attachments, embedding an icon font, and a super-fast mass customer import process. Catalog Attachments by Virtina Magento has a built-in way of uploading images for a particular product, but it doesn't have any way of uploading arbitrary files. The Catalog Attachments extension adds this functionality and could be used for things such as manuals, warranties, or other information about a product that the customer may require.

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Magento Extension Roundup - July 2016

by David Erceg in Magento Extension Reviews

It's time for another Magento extension round-up, reviewing some free extensions that were released in July. This time we're looking at extensions for address validation, extra category descriptions and easier access to Magento logs. Contact Us Grid by BuzzzAky While Magento has a built-in contact form, it simply sends the enquiry to the merchant directly via email. The Contact Us Grid extension adds some additional functionality to this process. All enquiries that are placed will be logged to the database, and can then be viewed and replied to from within the admin panel.

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Magento Extension Roundup - June 2016

by Andrew Rollason in Magento Extension Reviews

It's time for another Magento extension round-up, reviewing some free extensions that were released in June. This time we're looking at extensions allow frontend PDF printing, admin panel two factor authentication, multiple cart item delete and Pinterest tracking pixels. Frontend PDF Invoice by Modules4U While Magento provides adequate functionality for customers to view details about their past orders, it leaves them out in the cold if they actually want to take a copy of their orders for record keeping.

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Magento Extension Roundup - May 2016

by Peter Spiller in Magento Extension Reviews

It's time for another Magento extension round-up, reviewing some free extensions that were released in May. This time we're looking at extensions for Facebook tracking, search improvements and order export, as well as Magento 2 command-line autocompletion. Facebook Pixel by Apptrian This is a straightforward extension that adds the Facebook tracking pixel to a Magento site. The pixel is included on a range of pages, including product pages, category pages, the checkout and the checkout success page.

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Magento Extension Roundup - April 2016

by Paul Hoang in Magento Extension Reviews

In this Magento extension round-up, we quickly review some of the free extensions that were released in April. The theme for this month's extensions are small, drop-and-go extensions with minimal conflicts in your Magento installation. Email Spellcheck by ArchApps Customers who complete the checkout with an invalid email address can be costly in both time and money for the merchant to resolve. This extension helps customers detect typos in their email address by validating their email address using the popular mailcheck.

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Magento Extension Roundup - March 2016

by David Erceg in Magento Extension Reviews

In this Magento extension round-up, we quickly review some of the free extensions that were released in March, including a customer notifications extension, a size charts solution and a special price countdown timer. Magento Auto Admin Locale by medan-hub For Magento stores that have an international presence, the language shown to the user on the frontend is an important consideration. For example, a store that operates in both Australia and China may use English in the Australian store and Chinese in the Chinese store.

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Magento Extension Roundup - November 2015

by Andrew Howden in Magento Extension Reviews

In this Magento extension round-up, we quickly review some of the free extensions that were released in November, including developer tools, Magento 2 code migration, and an expanded flat rate shipping method. DebugErrors by Fabian Schmengler Working on any reasonably complex Magento site, you may have run into issues where templates have been incorrectly referenced, symlink support hasn't been enabled, the files haven't been added yet or had some other issue which prevents them being found.

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Magento Extension Roundup - October 2015

by Matthew Gamble in Magento Extension Reviews

In this Magento extension round-up, we quickly review some of the free extensions that were released in October, including admin activity and inventory logging solutions, order price and quantity restrictions, and events content. Admin Activity Logger by CommerceBees Any store that has multiple staff working in the admin panel will likely have run into a situation where a change is made that breaks something, but tracking down what that change was and when it was made is difficult (if not impossible).

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