
Blog Extension 2.0 Released

by Matthew Gamble in Announcements

Since the first public versions of the Fontis Blog extension for Magento, we've added a number of important new features culminating in this major version release. It also utilises the recently released Router extension. The biggest change in version 2 is the addition of support for multiple blogs per store. We realised that the "blog" style of releasing content made sense in many contexts, not just for a typical news feed of posts.

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Router Magento Extension Released

by Matthew Gamble in Announcements

Today we're releasing a new free Magento extension for developers - Fontis_Router. This is a low-level extension designed to provide better routing for other extensions that want pretty URLs. Its purpose is to stop Magento from automatically routing requests for things like /blog/post/view/id/1. It is then up to the developer to implement their own router class to ensure that only the URLs they want to be considered valid are accepted.

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Magento Extension Roundup - March 2016

by David Erceg in Magento Extension Reviews

In this Magento extension round-up, we quickly review some of the free extensions that were released in March, including a customer notifications extension, a size charts solution and a special price countdown timer. Magento Auto Admin Locale by medan-hub For Magento stores that have an international presence, the language shown to the user on the frontend is an important consideration. For example, a store that operates in both Australia and China may use English in the Australian store and Chinese in the Chinese store.

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Australia Extension release for Magento 2

by Chris Norton in Announcements

Happy Australia Day everyone! Six years after our last Australia Day release, the extension is still going strong and we are celebrating again this year with the release of the first version of the Fontis Australia extension for Magento 2. This initial release of the Australia extension includes the Australian regions and the BPAY and direct deposit payment methods. An Australia Post shipping method is not included with this first release, but will be added in a later version along with the rest of the features from the Magento 1 extension.

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Magento Extension Roundup - November 2015

by Andrew Howden in Magento Extension Reviews

In this Magento extension round-up, we quickly review some of the free extensions that were released in November, including developer tools, Magento 2 code migration, and an expanded flat rate shipping method. DebugErrors by Fabian Schmengler Working on any reasonably complex Magento site, you may have run into issues where templates have been incorrectly referenced, symlink support hasn't been enabled, the files haven't been added yet or had some other issue which prevents them being found.

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Magento Extension Roundup - October 2015

by Matthew Gamble in Magento Extension Reviews

In this Magento extension round-up, we quickly review some of the free extensions that were released in October, including admin activity and inventory logging solutions, order price and quantity restrictions, and events content. Admin Activity Logger by CommerceBees Any store that has multiple staff working in the admin panel will likely have run into a situation where a change is made that breaks something, but tracking down what that change was and when it was made is difficult (if not impossible).

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Magento Extension Roundup - September 2015

by Peter Spiller in Magento Extension Reviews

In this Magento extension round-up, we quickly review some of the extensions that were released in September. StockSort by OOWORX Stores that have large numbers of out-of-stock products may not want these appearing before in-stock products. This straightforward extension allows sorting out-of-stock products to the end of category pages. Stock-based sorting is enabled or disabled per-store, and can't be configured for individual categories. The extension uses an observer to add an extra sort clause to product collections.

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Google Tag Manager Extension Released

by Chris Norton in Announcements

Looking to manage remarketing code or other third-party services on your site, without needing a developer to make every change? Tag Manager is a free service from Google which aims to address this common problem and give you the ability to easily add tags for Google Analytics, AdWords, tracking pixels and more. The Fontis Google Tag Manager extension for Magento will automatically export common Magento data so that it can be used in GTM.

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Magento Extension Roundup - August 2015

by Nathan Yam in Magento Extension Reviews

Welcome to the sixth Magento extension round-up, where we quickly review some of the more notable extensions which were released in the past month. Multistore Newsletter Subscription by NetGo In a multi-store Magento installation, customers may want to sign up to the newsletter using the same email address across multiple stores. Magento's built-in newsletter subscription feature doesn't fully handle this situation - customers can only by subscribed in one store at any given time.

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Composer Autoloader 2.0 released

by Matthew Gamble in Announcements

Today we are releasing version 2.0 of the Fontis Composer Autoloader extension for Magento, which is designed to let you use any Composer dependency within Magento. This release includes changes so that you no longer need to fire an extra event to use it for code that doesn't run during a normal Magento web request, such as a shell script. These changes make the extension more generally applicable and mean developers no longer need to worry about whether Composer dependencies will be loaded differently based on environment.

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