Many of the Magento web services API methods facilitate listing certain types of data - customers, products, orders, etc. However, when using these methods we rarely want to retrieve every record. Luckily there are a number of filter operators that can be used to narrow the result set that will be returned.
The following is a basic example of how to get a list of all customers in PHP:
$server = new SoapClient('http://magentohost/api/soap/?wsdl');
$sessionID = $server->login('api_user', 'api_key');
$server->call($sessionID, 'customer.list');
Now, suppose we want to retrieve only those customers updated since 10/06/2009. We can do this by adding a filter operator to the last line:
$server->call($sessionID, 'customer.list', array(array('updated_at' => array('from' => '2009-06-10'))));
Alternatively, we could get only those customers whose email addresses start with 'jim':
$server->call($sessionID, 'customer.list', array(array('email' => array('like' => 'jim%'))));
There are quite a few filter operators available which directly correspond to SQL operators, since that's what they are translated to internally.
Operator | Explanation |
from | After the given timestamp |
to | Before the given timestamp |
like | Like the given text (SQL syntax, using % for wildcards) |
nlike | Not like the given text (SQL syntax) |
eq | Equal to the given value |
neq | Not equal to the given value |
in | In the given array |
nin | Not in the given array |
null | Is null |
notnull | Is not null |
gt | Greater than |
lt | Less than |
gteq | Greater than or equal to |
lteq | Less than or equal to |